Ongoing studies in many species seek to understand the origins, architecture and consequences of phenotypic variation under normal and dysfunctional conditions, w...
2023年10月7日 Cloud is an important indicator of weather and climate change, and it is of great importance to atmospheric energy distribution and radiative transfer. Satellite ...
2022年9月16日 This article presents several design techniques to fabricate micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) using standard complementary metal-oxide semico...
2005年5月18日 The process of maintaining life for the individual is a constant struggle to preserve his/her integrity. This can come at a price when immunity is i...
ADL-P is the only misplaced Intel HDMI codec. Signed-off-by: Kai Vehmanen Link: Sig...
2022年1月23日 Abstract Energy is an essential factor in our day-to-day life. The major demand for energy in modern society has been increasing rapidly. Among all ...
oddFooter = "&LPage &P of &N"; // Set the middle header to gray Aril, the result: "52 exceljs" worksheet.headerFooter.oddHeader = "&C&KCCCCCC&\"Aril\"52 exceljs";...